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- BackWeb Version 2.0
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- For the latest information see http://www.backweb.com.
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- Introduction - Let Information Find You for a Change
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- Labor intensive Web surfing is being replaced by the information
- intensive approach of BackWeb. Let your computer and the Internet
- do the work for you for a change.
- Install BackWeb today and you'll be on your way to getting personalized
- information, entertainment, and software from the Internet, all delivered
- automatically to your desktop. BackWeb makes this possible by sending
- software and data to you in the background, taking advantage of your
- Internet connection's idle time while you're connected to the net.
- This means you no longer have to wait for long downloads or go out and
- search for information. You subscribe to the channels you're interested
- in once and from then on information is automatically delivered to you.
- This README file includes the following topics:
- A. System Requirements
- B. Installation Instructions
- C. Uninstalling BackWeb
- D. Subscribing to BackWeb Channels
- E. Important note regarding Internet Connection and Communication
- F. Known issues that may affect some users
- G. Technical Support
- ============================================================================
- A. System Requirements
- ============================================================================
- Operating System: Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
- (Version 1.2 is available for Windows 3.11)
- Minimum Hardware: 486 66MHz, 16MB RAM
- Disk Space: 4MB for the BackWeb software and 6MB per channel (user
- configurable)
- Internet Connection: Either direct connection or 14.4 Kbps Modem or higher
- Web browser: Either Netscape Navigator 2.0 or higher or Microsoft
- Explorer 2.0 or higher
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- B. Installation
- ============================================================================
- If you do not have the BackWeb CD, see http://www.backweb.com
- for download and installation instructions.
- Before you begin, make sure you are running Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0.
- 1. In the CD drive, change directory to \CLIENT\WIN95\SETUP.
- 2. Double-click the SETUP.EXE file to install BackWeb on your computer.
- 3. Following installation, BackWeb is launched and you are taken on a
- "guided tour" of the system where you can go through Quick Setup steps
- to customize BackWeb to meet your specific needs.
- Quick Setup enables you to:
- * View and interact with a sample InfoPak.
- * Specify whether InfoPaks should be automatically or manually played.
- * Register to channels of your choice from a Channel Directory.
- * Specify the maximum amount of disk space per channel that you wish
- to allow for the storage of InfoPaks.
- ============================================================================
- C. Uninstalling BackWeb
- ============================================================================
- 1. In your system Control Panel, launch Add/Remove Programs.
- 2. Choose BackWeb from the list.
- 3. Click Add/Remove to uninstall BackWeb.
- ============================================================================
- D. Subscribing to BackWeb Channels
- ============================================================================
- Once you have installed BackWeb, you need to subscribe to "channels" to
- receive information with your BackWeb software.
- Go to the BackWeb Web site (http://www.backweb.com/) to subscribe to the
- wide range of channels or sources of information that interest you. This
- subscription process is done through the Web. After that, you will receive
- the information from these channels via BackWeb.
- ============================================================================
- E. Internet Connection and Communication
- ============================================================================
- The following is relevant to users who are connected to the Internet
- via a corporate network (LAN) and corporate firewall. It is also relevant
- to users who are connected to the Internet via an online service. In
- both of these cases, there is a possibility that your Internet connection
- (either because of the corporate firewall configuration or because of
- the way the online service communicates with the Internet) does not
- support the standard communication protocol called UDP. If this is
- the case, your BackWeb software will not communicate over the network
- using the Polite Agent mode.
- This version of BackWeb introduces the option to have BackWeb communicate
- with another standard communication protocol called HTTP. This will allow
- anyone with an Internet connection to use BackWeb, regardless of
- corporate firewalls or online services.
- It is recommended that you use the Polite Agent mode if possible,
- as it offers substantial benefits to users - it allows the background
- communication to happen in an unobtrusive, discreet way. HTTP is
- not as "polite," and you will sometimes notice it working even though
- BackWeb is running in the background.
- This note is only relevant if you want to use the Polite Agent
- mode even though you are behind a corporate firewall:
- By default, BackWeb requires that your corporate firewall allows UDP
- packets with destination port 370 to go out from your network to the
- Internet, and UDP packets with destination port 371 to come in from the
- Internet to your network.
- You can select the UDP port through which BackWeb will connect to the
- Internet from the Advanced Settings dialog in the Connection tab of the
- Setup dialog.
- ============================================================================
- F. Known Issues
- ============================================================================
- 1. BackWeb software configures your browser to include a registration
- helper application. If for some reason this setting is missing, you may
- enable channel registration via Web sites by the following steps.
- If you are using Netscape Navigator:
- Launch the browser and select General Preferences in the Options menu.
- Click the Helpers tab and Create New Type. Enter 'application' in the
- Mime Type field and 'x-iad' in the Mime Sub Type field. Enter 'iad' in
- the File Extensions field. Select the radio button "Launch the
- Application", and browse for register.exe in the BackWeb program folder.
- The default location is "C:\Program Files\BackWeb\BackWeb\program".
- Click OK to close the dialog.
- If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer:
- Launch the browser and open the Options dialog in the view menu.
- Click the File Types tab.
- Click the New Type button. Fill in the following values in the
- corresponding fields.
- Description of type: BackWeb Registration
- Associated extension: .iad
- Content type (MIME): application/x-iad
- Default Extension: .iad
- Make sure to uncheck Confirm Open After Download.
- Click the New button to open the New Action Dialog. Enter 'open' in
- the Action field. Browse for register.exe in the BackWeb program folder.
- The default location is "C:\Program Files\BackWeb\BackWeb\program".
- Click OK to close the dialog. Close the parent dialogs by clicking the
- Close button.
- If you are using a different browser, you may look for the instructions
- on how to associate actions with MIME types and extensions. Associate
- MIME type application/x-iad and the extension .iad with the program
- "C:\Program Files\BackWeb\BackWeb\program\register.exe".
- 2. In some cases where the Netscape browser was unable to locate the
- server of the given URL, it becomes impossible to invoke Web pages from
- BackWeb. In order to continue, click the OK button in the Netscape
- window to close the "Unable to locate server <URL>" message box.
- 3. Plug-in applications launched from InfoPaks may produce sound even
- when the InfoPak is muted.
- 4. If you have installed a plug-in or QuickTime / QuickTime VR software
- during the current BackWeb session, you still may not receive InfoPaks
- that require these plug-ins. In order to recognize the installed plug-ins,
- shut down BackWeb (from the File menu) and re-launch BackWeb using the
- system Start button. Alternatively, you may restart your system so that
- BackWeb will be automatically re-launched.
- 5. After installing Microsoft Java VM, you must restart your system prior
- to playing InfoPaks that include Java applets.
- 6. Under Windows NT 4.0, BackWeb does not allow interaction with screen
- saver InfoPaks. The Interaction group in the Screen Saver tab of the
- Global Options is therefore grayed out.
- If you wish to interact with a BackWeb screen saver (that's designed to
- support interaction), you may play it manually from within the BackWeb
- Window. This will give it the appearance of a screen saver but the
- properties of a Flash, which can be interacted with.
- 7. If you use the Netscape browser, we recommend that you do not include the
- executable in your StartUp folder. Every time that BackWeb starts up, it
- makes sure that Netscape is set up properly allowing you to add BackWeb
- channels. However, due to the way Netscape works, this verification is
- only effective when Netscape is not running.
- If you have Netscape in the StartUp folder, it is quite possible that
- Netscape will already be running every time that BackWeb starts up, and
- the set-up routine required for adding BackWeb channels will not take
- place.
- If you must put Netscape in the start-up folder, you can make sure that
- the set-up is done properly at least once by manually shutting down both
- Netscape and BackWeb (by choosing Shut Down BackWeb on BackWeb's File
- menu), then restarting BackWeb and then Netscape. You should then try
- registering to a new channel (via Add Channel using Web Directory on
- BackWeb's Channel menu) to make sure everything is working properly.
- 8. If you invoke Netscape Gold version 2.02 via the BackWeb interface (or
- by interacting with an InfoFlash) and the browser is already active,
- BackWeb might not bring the browser window into focus. You may use
- <Alt>-TAB to focus on the browser's window.
- 9. If you are using Internet Explorer 2.0, you may encounter problems
- registering with some BackWeb channels where the CGI script generates
- a file of an extension different than '.iad'.
- This problem occurs when Internet Explorer 2.0 looks for a helper
- application based on the file extension rather than the MIME type
- provided (application/x-iad). For example, if the CGI script which
- prepares the channel registration data is a perl script whose name
- is 'xxx.pl', then the IE 2.0 looks for a program which is associated
- with the extension '.pl' instead of using the given MIME type.
- To work around this problem, use the "Save As" option to save the
- registration file in your disk with the extension '.iad'. Double-click
- the saved file to register with the channel
- 10. Note that you might experience problems receiving InfoPaks from some
- of the channels if you configured BackWeb to work with HTTP (with or
- without an HTTP proxy).
- BackWeb Technologies is doing its best to make sure all the channels are
- using the latest version of the BackWeb channel server which supports a
- wide range of HTTP proxies.
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- G. Technical Support
- ============================================================================
- Tech support email: user_support@backweb.com